Character Witness

Albert Mohler writes today on character:

Arnold Schwarzenegger is an example of a candidate whose primary qualification for office is more rooted in charisma than in character. It is hard to imagine that California voters were shocked when accusations of lecherous behavior were leveled at Schwarzenegger. He has presented himself throughout his adult life as one of whom this behavior is conceivable. Governor Gray Davis, on the other hand, was quick to go to the airwaves to condemn Schwarzenegger’s “unacceptable” behavior while standing alongside former President Bill Clinton and activist Jesse Jackson. Evidently, Gray Davis missed the irony of his association with Clinton and Jackson, both caught in notorious sex scandals, even as he condemned Schwartzenagger [sic].

I think Mohler is right, but I doubt Gray Davis missed any irony–he was simply playing the political election game–all scruples aside. The whole article is well done, with some good principles for evaluating character–read it!