In short, I thought it was a great speech. One might say that there was a shortage of details, but where details were lacking, President Bush laid much philosophical groundwork. After all, in a 40-minute speech that covers everthing from domestic policy to the war on terror, how much detail could someone give? Bush instead gave reasons for the changes that were to come—especially on Social Security. I think few are so deluded as to think that there’s nothing wrong with the current program—that’s the easy part of Bush’s battle. The difficult part will be developing a plan that can maneuver through such a partisan congress as ours and still survive intact enough to work.
While the boos from the Dems were cute, Bush was nearly upstaged by the parents of fallen Marine Sgt. Byron Norwood and the hug she received from Iraqi Women’s Political Council leader Safia Taleb al-Suhail, fresh off the plane from voting, ink-stained finger and all. If that moment doesn’t solidify the liberation of Iraq as a worthy cause in the eyes of Americans of all stripes, nothing will.
The Democratic response: weak. Surprisingly weak. Sen. Harry Reid, aside from correcting Bush on some Social Security numbers had nothing to say except that Democrats have moral values too. Well, nobody said they were trying to be subtle. Pelosi’s statements were even worse, as she droned on and on, whining vagaries about a timetable for the troops and how we need to be safe. Nothing new here Congresswoman Pelosi.
All in all, a good night for the President. Not a spectacular night, but a good one. President Bush showed the nation and the world that he will not back down. Will George W. Bush be remembered as a President who did great things? The “capital” is there. Let’s hope the ground can be broken.