And around the blogosphere we go…
The blogosphere needs more savvy theologians blogging, and blogging they are. If the prolific Albert Mohler and the all-too-infrequent Russell Moore aren’t good enough for you, intelligent design expert William Dembski has joined the ranks of the pajamahadeen with his blog, Uncommon Descent. New Testament scholar Scot McKnight is also churning out pixels at the Jesus Creed blog, where he has lengthy, but interesting-looking (I haven’t read it all yet) post on reading habits.

The Spring issue of The New Pantagruel is out—there’s always interesting and provocative reading there.

The Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty’s new Power Blog, is quickly on its way to becoming one of my favorite daily stops—good stuff all around.

And finally, having nothing to do with the blogosphere, is my pick for the Kentucky Derby this weekend. Based on horse name alone, and on whom I will bet no money (he’s 30-1 odds), I pick Closing Argument to win the roses on Saturday.