Truth Unfettered is Dangerous

William F. Buckley enters the fray over evangelical Christians in Iraq. Buckley, a Catholic, brings a rare level-headed response from a non-evangelical on the issue. If you’re not familiar with the discussion, it involves the question of whether or not Christian aid groups, such as Franklin Graham’s Samaratan’s Purse and others, should be allowed to … Read more

Johnny Estes, R.I.P.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is among men, and He will dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself will be among them, and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; … Read more

Summer Reading

I always love summers (especially academic ones) because I get to read more. Not that I don’t read enough the rest of the year, but in the summer, what I read is dictated by me. I get to pick, and this suits me just fine. This summer have plans for many books to complete, though … Read more

Matrix Reloaded

Here is my promised, and brief review of The Matrix Reloaded. The effects are out-of-this world, the fight scenes borderlined on the beautiful, and the storyline was disappointing. The movie ran like a director’s cut at times, including scenes that could easily have been left out. There were good philosophical questions raised, but they didn’t … Read more

SPF 15 is worthless

I’m back from the windy and sunny South Carolina coastline. The sun was yellow, but my previously blinding-white skin is now quite pink. No more. From now on, it’s SPF 30+.

Travel Blog

For those few souls who read this blog, I am currently traveling, therefore you won’t be seeing much activity (of course, I’ve been in exams and writing papers since I started the blog, so there hasn’t been much activity anyway). I’ll be back soon, and I’ll have my Matrix Reloaded review up. I saw it … Read more

Kentucky Fried Brain

The Spring semester 2003 is now finished for me. What day is it? The last few have been a blur. It’s always difficult to accelerate to the frenetic pace of the last month of the semester, and then come to a sudden halt. But I suppose I will manage. Shouldn’t I be doing something?…

Leisure Time

Ok, my brain is fried, but that does not give me the excuse to let it go. This article in National Review today is required reading. The author Gleaves Whitney discusses the nature of leisure and what we are to do with it. Read it–in your leisure time.

How much do you read?

This page has some interesting profiles of “America’s Biggest Readers.” The Number One reader in America, Harriet Klausner, reportedly reads 20 books per week! And I thought I was a hero for approaching 20 since this year began. The fastest reader in the world can read a 240 page book in 20 minutes, with comprehension! … Read more