The Tiger’s Tale

I skipped NBC’s airing of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy last night to finish reading Tom Clancy’s The Teeth of the Tiger. Sorry NBC, it’s rather queer how I always seem to miss that show.

Anyway, the book was OK, but definitely not one of Clancy’s best. It was quite predictable in places, even where there was no foreshadowing. It seems since Rainbow Six, Clancy has developed an uncanny penchant for even more uncanny coincidences in his books. I won’t spoil the plot here, but Clancy makes the reader take some giant leaps to get the book where he wants it to go.

I think Clancy’s best works are Clear and Present Danger and Without Remorse. Both of these books grapple quite well with some serious moral questions as well as laying out some more plausible storylines.

Still, if you’re a Clancy reader like me (I’ve read all of his novels), you’ll definitely not want to miss this one. The book is entertaining, although I fear that sheer entertainment may be all Clancy is writing for these days.

2 thoughts on “The Tiger’s Tale”

  1. Thanks for not giving away the plot and for indicating that I should not go out and buy the book right away. I will plan to borrow it from you when it is convenient. I could loan you a book about chess to read when the queer show is on NBC. I don’t watch that one either.

  2. Don’t loan him ANY books on chess – I don’t care what kind of ridiculous show is on TV. I like his chess skills just the way they are.

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