Every other year, I like to do a “read the Bible in a year plan” like the M’Cheyne system, which takes about 15 minutes a day. Sound like too much time? Not to worry — now there’s the 100-Minute Bible, a text that can be completely read in 100 minutes:
Publishers [of] the 100-Minute Press say the book has been written for those who want to know more about Christianity but who do not have the time to read the original in full.
The perfect gift for the death-row inmate with only two hours left to live, I suppose. I guess it’s too early to properly lampoon this venture — after all, it could be nothing more than long gospel tract. It would, however, seem that anyone who wants to know more about Christianity would want to read more than just the Cliff’s notes — those are for the people who do not want to know more.
I am curious as to which parts will be redacted, as it “claims to neatly summarise every teaching from the Creation to the Revelation.” I’ll say. If the whole Bible takes 15 minutes per day for a year , that comes to 5,475 minutes — roughly 91 hours. One hundred minutes would barely get a person through Genesis!