Exit Sanders

Tennessee offensive coordinator Randy Sanders “resigned” today, effectively demoting himself to quarterbacks coach. Head coach Phillip Fulmer was apparently taken aback:

Fulmer said he was somewhat surprised by Sanders’ decision.

“Randy in an unselfish gesture has asked to step aside at the end of the season,” Fulmer said.

If Sanders genuinely did step down of his own accord, it was because he saw the handwriting on the wall. The last time Tennessee lost three consecutive games (which coincidentally was the last time the Vols lost to South Carolina), then head coach Johnny Majors lost his job.

This move will buy Fulmer a little time with the Vol mafia fans, but not long. Another four–loss season for Fulmer, and he’s a goner himself — winningest active coach in the SEC or not. In any case, Sanders stepping down mid-season won’t make much of a positive impact on the offense at this point. After all, it couldn’t get any worse…

5 thoughts on “Exit Sanders”

  1. I understand from some knowledgeable Vol fans that the Vols have the services of coach Fulmer for the next 8 years, regardless of performance. UT has no more money to pay an ex-football coach since they are still paying 2 ex-basketball coaches besides the new basketball coach. Perhaps a good move for UT would be to hire their coaches with shorter term contracts.

  2. Look for David Cutcliffe to be the next offensive coordinator…Foolmer will not go outside the UT family to hire an OC. No, I don’t agree with Cut coming back, but it will be an improvement to what we had. Also, look for Pat Washington(receivers coach) and Jimmy Ray Stephens(offensive line coach) to be looking for employment at seasons end. I don’t think Randy will end up separating from UT after this season. My gut tells me that he will be talked into staying in some sort of coaching role…just not the OC. Just my 10 cents worth…

  3. I read that article too. It just seems strange to me that Cutcliffe moves back to K-town after he gets fired from Ole Siss and the day that the Randy man resigns is ironically the day that Cut gets cleared by his doctors. Something tells me that this has been in the works for longer than just a few days. Also hearing now that Pat Washington will assume an “administrative” role and that Trooper is on his way out…on his on accord. Just rumors at this point. However, Cutty is a done deal I believe…new “blood” would be nice, but I don’t see it.

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