Judy, Judy, Judy

Think about all the women you know.

Are you thinking?

Let me then, make a bold prediction: you know no one under the age of 40 whose first name is Judy.

Oh yes, I can prove it…

This chart from the Social Security Administration’s Baby Names website shows the prevalence of the name over the past 50 years.

Popularity of the female name Judy
Year of birth Rank
1998 994
1997 929
1996 845
1995 769
1994 828
1993 763
1992 658
1991 716
1990 575
1989 594
1988 534
1987 511
1986 506
1985 463
1984 413
1983 414
1982 373
1981 381
1980 408
1979 405
1978 379
1977 350
1976 347
1975 306
1974 276
1973 246
1972 221
1971 196
1970 177
1969 161
1968 141
1967 120
1966 97
1965 86
1964 74
1963 70
1962 63
1961 57
1960 48
1959 41
1958 36
1957 38
Note: Rank 1 is the most popular, rank 2 is the next most popular, and so forth.
Data are not shown for some of the years you specified
because the name Judy was not in the top 1000 names
for those years.
Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that
occurred in the United States.

What, you wonder, is my point?

Ask your under-40 friend Judy. She’ll tell you.

2 thoughts on “Judy, Judy, Judy”

  1. actually, I work with a teacher named Judi who is under 40.
    However, in my fourteen years of teaching, I have not taught a “Judy”…..yet, I have only taught one “Jared” and one “Jodie”….hmmmm.

  2. You should have entered Judith, since Judy is often short for Judith. The ranking is significantly higher, though not exactly high. But I do know a few <40 Judiths, all of whom go by Judy.

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