Integrity of Record

High-school quarterback Nate Haasis will not be the Illinois’ Central Big Eight Conference record holder for single-season passing yards, but he is a hero of record. Haasis found out that his coach made a deal with the opposing team to stand down a play so he could get the record. Instead of keeping quiet, thereby … Read more

Fall Back

For those of you in the United States, don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight. If you’re interested in finding out more about Daylight Savings Time, this website has a good history of the practice. I used to think that Daylight Savings Time was only an American practice, but when I lived … Read more

The Iceman

There are men, and then there are men. No, I’m not talking about Casey Clausen, Tennessee’s rough-and-tumble quarterback sometimes called “the Iceman,” I’m talking about THE Iceman. It appears that The Iceman, an Icelandic fishing captain, caught a 660lb. shark with his bare hands, dragged it to shore, and killed it with a knife. All … Read more

The Box Cutter Boy

John Derbyshire has a pretty good idea about the guy who smuggled bags of box cutters onto two Southwest Airlines planes: I think the guy performed a valuable public service. In fact, in the spirit of Inspector Clouseau encouraging his valet to ambush him, by way of keeping him alert, I’d like to propose a … Read more

Likely Story

Sigfreid says the tiger was trying to help Roy, as it nearly bit his neck off. Don’t blame the poor, defenseless, good-hearted tiger–he meant well. Is there really anybody who believes this? If so please comment or email me–I have some Kentucky oceanfront property that I’ll give you a good deal on.

Wild Animals 3, Wild Humans 0

This is getting rather eerie. After the Sigfried & Roy incident, and the incident with the guy who was mauled by his pet tiger, it seems that two “Grizzly People” were outdone by the animals they were devoted to. Have you ever seen Day of the Animals, a movie where all the animals begin to … Read more


Let us not forget the events of that morning two years ago, and let us also not forget those who are still defending us in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other parts of the world. May God be with them.

Remember Please… your prayers my paternal grandmother, Jeanette Bridges (known to her grandchildren as “MawMaw”) who is hospitalized in Tuscaloosa, Alabama for heart failure. Apparently she was misdiagnosed with pneumonia a couple of days ago and was treated as such, but now they’ve discovered it was her heart. My maternal grandmother is still recovering, quite remarkably, … Read more

The Lineup

My semester begins Wednesday morning (does anyone know why classes, no matter where you are or what level, invariably begin in the middle of the week?), so I thought I’d list the lineup for this fall: Hebrew Exegesis: Isaiah 40-66 with Peter Gentry The Ministry of Leadership with Brad Waggoner The Worshipping Church with Carl … Read more

Night Shift

For those of you who have ever worked the graveyard shift, you’ll certainly understand the results of this new study. The article says that: A new study from Lexington [Mass.] consultancy Circadian Technologies, which advises the nation’s largest companies on how to manage their extended-hours operations, estimates that maintaining the practice may be costing companies … Read more