History, principle, and the now

D.A. Carson on the value of Christians continually appealing to the notion that America was founded on Christian principles: In the long haul, Christians have to appeal farther back than to the middle of the eighteenth century — to the Scriptures themselves, and the events to which they attest — and think through to where … Read more

Sanity, sin and evil

The Alabama shooting, like the Virginia Tech massacre before it, is sure to unleash a wave of speculation about what drove the troubled young Michael McLendon to do what he did.  Even this morning on my commute, I overheard a discussion of the killing spree in which one fellow conceded, “Since he killed that many … Read more

Truth on the slant

In the most recent issue of the Mars Hill Audio Journal, Ken Myers spoke with Eugene Peterson on the place of reading in the spiritual lives of Christians. They reference a brilliant poem by Emily Dickinson from which Peterson takes the title of his upcoming book, Tell it Slant. Here’s the poem: Tell all the … Read more

What is ‘good’?

It’s a good question — one posed by Ron H. in his comment on my recent “Darwinism and good” post: What can adequately explain why something is or isn’t good? Equivalently: What is good? For many (in practice this is most, I imagine), something is good if it turns out the way a person wishes. … Read more

Darwinism and good

Pulitzer Prize–winning author Marilynne Robinson captures well a dilemma that occurs within Darwinism: Surely we must assume that a biosphere generated out of any circumstances able to sustain life is as good as any other, that if we make a desert, for example, and the god of survival turns his countenance upon the lurkers and … Read more