Go Down, Jimmy, Way Down to Cuba–Land

Jimmy Carter is calling on President Bush to let his people go. The former peanut-farmer and president wants the United States to let all the terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay go free:

“The U.S. continues to suffer terrible embarrassment and a blow to our reputation … because of reports concerning abuses of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo,” Carter said after a two-day human rights conference at his Atlanta center.

He might well have added that despite the fact that the Carter administration caused the U.S. to suffer terrible embarrassment, he was indeed let go after four years.

2 thoughts on “Go Down, Jimmy, Way Down to Cuba–Land”

  1. Jared wrote, “He might well have added that despite the fact that the Carter administration caused the U.S. to suffer terrible embarrassment, he was indeed let go after four years.”

    This is absolutely right! I really got a kick out of this. 🙂

  2. (a bit behind on my blog reading)

    All of these allegations of torture at Guantanamo seriously make me sick. I am presently reading “Against All Hope: A Memoir of Life in Castro’s Gulag”, by Armando Valladares, who spent two decades, the prime of his life, in political prison in Cuba (I highly recommend the book). Knowing that there are still many prisoners being tortured in prisons simply for speaking out against Castro, and seeing how the “world community” doesn’t care, is just sad. I’m sure most prisoners in Cuba would beg and plead for the living conditions granted detainees in Gitmo.

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