New on the Blogroll

I’ve made several new addtions to my “Weblogs of Note” blogroll. Among them:

Matthew White’s South End Grounds is a baseball-themed political blog from Tennessee. White is an ex U.S. Marine, and his “Adventures in Parris…Island” series is a must-read.

John Rabe is sharp Christian blogger (apparently from Florida—but I won’t hold that against him) who has in the last week posted a report on the hurricane relief efforts in Punta Gorda and a thoughtful “Cautious Defense of Price-Gouging.”

Finally, my friend Charles Halton has entered the blogosphere with Marduk’s Terror, a blog which he describes as:

A bridge that spans the ancient times of the Near East and the modern world of blogging and $5 cups of coffee (plus all sorts of side trails and quick forays into other areas).

I’m already hooked.

4 thoughts on “New on the Blogroll”

  1. Charles,

    How much are YOU sending? We should at least coordinate our payments…


    (Seriously, thanks Jared. It’s great to be on board!)

  2. Mr. Bridges,

    Hello there. First of all, thanks for the link! (Always exciting to be linked!) Second, nice blog. (Always good to discover a great new blog.) And third, do you know Kevin Larson? I think his wife’s name is Amy, and I think he was attending SBTS also?

  3. Charles & John—your checks bounced! I’ll have to post your bad checks for all to see, and yes, there’s going to be a service charge…

    Kris—you’re welcome for the link—thanks for the reciprocity! I don’t know Kevin and Amy, but SBTS is a big place, and I’ve been out nine months.

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