Falling Back to Reality

The charade is up, so set your clocks back to normal time. It is, once again, the time for us all to stop pretending that we’re saving daylight by moving the clock forward one hour. And, once again, it’s time to point to my favorite article against the practice of daylight savings time. So, here … Read more

Smoggy Smoke on Rocky Top

Vols 16, Crimson Tide 13 Years before tradition was trumped by the timidity of political correctness, it was custom for the winning team of the Tennessee-Alabama football game to smoke cigars together in victory. A few years ago, the institutional powers-that-be decided that universities that send out their students to bludgeon themselves in a football … Read more

Alabama Fans

I love Alabama fans. I have to. After all, an entire branch of my family tree comes from the Southern state that stars fell upon. Growing up as a Tennessee fan with an Alabama-alumnus father made for an interesting time come football season. I and my brothers were forced to wear crimson clothing as young … Read more

LOST Channels Star Wars

I haven’t quite the intricate theories about the show as does the JollyBlogger, but I do have one simple observation to offer: Sawyer is Han Solo. And that is all I have to say.

The Real World is Not Virtual

What in our lives can’t we do on the web? We can order pizza, groceries, clothing, and DVD’s (what more could one need?) over the internet. We can telecommute to work, have the WebMD diagnose our illnesses, and get spiritual nourishment at Cyber-Church. We can make our friends at MySpace, find our spouses through E-Harmony, … Read more

Party Between the Hedges

Vols 51, Bulldogs 33 Tennessee hasn’t looked better this century. In fact they haven’t looked better this millennium. With the exception of our familiar not-so-special teams, the Vols looked eerily flawless against Georgia tonight. Erik Ainge was spot-on perfect with 267 passing yards against one of the most touted defenses in the country. Bret Smith … Read more

Christianity and Its Competition

This New York Times article entitled “Evangelicals Fear the Loss of Their Teenagers,” seems misunderstood on many levels, the least of which is its assumption that evangelical Christianity is merely an alternative to the cornucopia of other lifestyles available to today’s teens. This statement, in particular, is telling: Genuine alarm can be heard from Christian … Read more

Molestation Nation

A week ago, after watching an episode of Criminal Minds on CBS that dealt with a pedophile, I remarked to my wife how pedophilia had become the crime du jour in popular culture. After all, it’s hard to find these days a television crime drama that hasn’t tracked down a villainous child molester just in … Read more