Introducing the 2008 Chevy Corvair

Parade of the also-rans: Ralph Nader Just when I thought the race was down to two candidates, I realized that I had left out the perennial Ralph Nader.  That’s right, get ready for lots of ballot counting, because Nader has swung into the race faster than an unsafe car to once again capture the heart … Read more

Hating the Gators from the west

Vols 6, Gators 30 All tied up with GodBlogCon/BlogWorld in Las Vegas, this was the first Tennessee-Florida game I’ve not watched in a decade, and it’s just as well.  Apparently it was all I expected and more.  Last year, I predicted that the massive defeat to the Gators marked the end of the Phil Fulmer … Read more

GodBlogCon 2008

Just returned yesterday from GodBlogCon 2008 in Las Vegas. It’s a funny name for a conference, but nomenclature aside, it lived up to its reputation as the premiere conference for Christian bloggers. Conference organizer Dustin Steeve and his crack squad from the Biola’s Torrey Honors program ran an excellent show, and made a great first … Read more

Better off in 2008

Commenting today on John McCain’s “We’re worse off than we were four years ago” ad, George Will observes that the question of being better off should be quantified in terms of more than one’s pocket book: Unfortunately, the phrase “better off” is generally understood as a reference to your salary, your bank balance, your IRA … Read more

Junior League

Vols 24, Bruins 27 In football, experience can make or break you.  The fact that Tennessee had a young, inexperienced team this year was no surprise.  The fact that they were inexperienced enough to lose to a UCLA team that played like a mediocre high school squad was more a disappointment than a surprise. There … Read more